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23 Amazon Finds Under $30 That Make Autism Easier

Parenting a child with Autism can be exceptionally rewarding … and equally challenging and expensive. Here are 23 products on Amazon that will make your and your child’s life easier. (This post contains affiliate links)

Indoor Therapy Swing

It’s no secret that swinging can be one of the most therapeutic activities for a child on the spectrum. This swing can be set up indoors or outdoors and comes with all of the materials to make it safe.

X and Y Sensory Chewy for Kids on the Spectrum

Chewing can be exceptionally soothing for an autistic child- and if you don’t give an outlet, kids will find one. B literally destroyed a shirt a day until we found these!!! This pack of 5 gives you enough to easily rotate or keep in different locations.

Shark Tooth Chew Necklace for Kids with Autism and ADHD

X’s and Y’s are great but sometimes don’t work for everyone. These necklaces are a more discreet way for a child to get their needs without drawing attention from their peers.

Sensory Body Sock

This unique sock gives kids compression and a safe way to relax

Liquid Motion Fidget

Many people think of “fidget spinners” when they think about a fidget – but that is just one of many ways to stim. If your child loves visual stimming, they will love this liquid motion bubbler with fun colors!

Noice Cancelling Headphones for Kids with Sensory Sensitivity

Noise cancelling headphones are a perfect investment to help your child enjoy events with crowds and noise (even fireworks!) without getting overwhelmed. I even pull these out if I’m feeling overwhelmed and need to focus.

Simple Visual Schedule for Kids with ASD

Kids with autism thrive on routine and knowing what is coming next. This visual schedule, modeled on the Picture Exchange system, helps your child prepare for transition through daily tasks.

First, Then Visual Schedule for Young Children with Autism

“First, then” language made a world of difference for our kids! Help your child understand what must happen before their preferred activity with this “First, Then” visual schedule.

Wearable Flash Cards Communication System for Nonverbal Kids

Being able to communicate your wants and needs helps so much in managing your emotions – so it makes sense that not being able to do that can drive negative behaviors in your autistic child. If your child is still learning communication, give them wearable tools to tell you their basic needs.

Snack and Drink Choice Board for Autistic Kids

We found that giving C choice opened up the world for him … and avoided a lot of tantrums. Before he had words, communication boards like these helped him tell us what he wanted and feel in control of his world.

iPad Case with Handle

Tablets like the

iPad Case with Handles and Shoulder Strap

Does your child need a little more stability? This case gives the option to hold with 2 hands, prop up with a stand or be carried over their shoulder.

iPad Case with Kick Stand and Fidgets

Does your child love their iPad and bubble fidgets? This fun case lets your child stim while they use their device.

Retro My Little Pony

Ok, I am sure this one is a surprise. But let me tell you … My Little Ponies have been the BEST stimming toy for C!!! He is sensory seeking – especially in his hands. He loves to rub the ponies and stim on their hair.

Weighted Blankets for Anxiety and Calming

Weighted blankets help soothe your child when they’re struggling to calm down or fall asleep. This weighted blanket is affordable, has a great kids design options and is even machine washable.

Munchin Miracle 360 Cup

Sippy cups help kids transition from a bottle, but can actually make it harder for a child who is developing language because of their shapes. The 360 cup helps your child develop their motor skills while also learning to drink from a regular cup.

Contigo Spill-Proof Tumbler with Straw

The 360 cup is terrific for toddlers and young kids, but don’t quite match the needs of an older child who is still developing language. Straws help develop motor skills so much! This spill-proof cup is BPA free, has fun designs and a reusable straw.

Toddler Backpack with Safety Leash

I always swore I wouldn’t be the mom who had their child on a leash. But when C was younger, his eloping was so bad and unpredictable, the only option to keep him safe was to never leave the home. We started using this backpack to allow him to go safely on walks. The strap around the chest secures the backpack and gave him some extra sensory love, too.

Autism Seat Belt Cover

No one expects to be in an accident, but have you ever wondered how your child would react if they were in one? And if you were unable to communicate their name or needs, could you still keep them safe? This seatbelt cover has a warning, as well as a place to secure emergency instructions, making it easy for a first responder to immediately know how to help your child best in a car accident.

Personalized Autism Seat Belt Cover

Loving the idea of a selt belt cover but want one with your child’s name? This one can be personalized.

Lace Locks

Learning to tie shoelaces is a right of passage for most kids, but many children on the Autism spectrum, that skill is delayed or simply not achievable. These lace locks allow you to venture away from velcro shoes while still giving your child independence to put their shoes on themselves.

Emergency Alert Identification Card for Shoes

Every child with special needs should have an emergency identification card or bracelet, but this often isn’t something our kids are able to wear. Share their vital contact information with this personalized, waterproof emergency ID card that attaches to their shoelaces.

Medical Alert Tag for Zippers

This medical alert zipper pull can be easily added to a jacket or backpack, making it easy for your child to communicate to a first responder if they wander off.

Treasure Map Plate for Picky Eaters

Mealtime can be overwhelming for any child, but especially one who is struggling to expand their food choices. This unique plate turns mealtime as a game and allows you to place their preferred food as the treasure at the end when they “win”.

VTech Chomp and Count Dinosaur

Cause and Effect toys are a fun way for your child to learn and practice their fine motor skills!

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