overwhelmed mess

You Are Not Alone!

overwhelmed mess

I know the purpose of this sort of blog is to educate, to help people, to pass along important and/or relevant information but there is just something in me, the storyteller, the artist, that just demands to have a definitive beginning. Good grief, I’ve been working on this website so long you would have thought it was my Sistine Chapel, but I digress.

Let’s get to the point, are you a special needs parent? Do you have problems? Feeling overwhelmed? We got you! Because we have lots of problems, that sounds weird to say but full disclosure and all, however we also have lots of experience. It’s our mission to help as many people as possible because;

One, we want to pay it forward, as so many have shown us kindness in our parenting journey.

Two, to be a curated resource, I mean how has all the time to scour the internet for all the information about disabilities, disorders and other physical and psychological aliments. Of course, we’ll do it because we love our kids, but come on, Let’s try to make it a little easier, we all have enough stress in our lives.

And finally three, I have a degree in Electronic Media and Film from a state college, I’m not really qualified to do anything else, so giving quality advice on the internet to strangers is sort of my last ditch effort to make an honest living and I really don’t want rob banks. Plus, The Magic Eight Ball said I was supposed to do this.

Trust us, we are just like you. Messy house, medical bills piling up, one kid in mid meltdown with another having an urgent blood sugar low, all while diner is burning on the stove.

We get it. We “get” you. We want to show you how to handle meetings with the school administrators, we want to share how we handle meltdowns, and suggest what should be in your diabetic “go bag”.

It’s not easy out there for us parents and for those of us with children that have special needs it can seem… well, overwhelming.

Life is tough and times are hard, so here’s your lifeline.

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